Patract Work Report #17 (9th-20th,Aug)


Work of Council

Voted aye for motion #64 in Polkadot Council, regarding Encode Polkadot Club’s second phase of the hackathon funding.



  • Daily maintenance, repaired the domain name problem of the official website.
  • Refactored Redspot documentation and examples, view for details.


  • Completed Elara 2.0 Requirements design.
  • The server intranet of Elara 2.0 has entered the testing process and is expected to be launched next week.
  • Completed the development of the new official website.
  • Optimized the Elara’s monitoring of abnormal block synchronization alarms.



  • Fixed the problem of ORM generating wrong SQL in Treasury and Bounty.
  • Fixed the account about Change and change/chart API.
  • Added complete Proxy API and fixed related issues.
  • Added abstract decode interfaces of Extrinsic and Event to access other data sources.


  • Completed the functional logic of CLI in Ask!, View for details.
  • Refactored the Env object, finished the parameters in custom system in Env, such as accountId etc.
  • Adjusted the development of the location where Ask! files are generated.
  • The comment format of Ask! is adjusted and is under development.
  • Designed Ask! Storage development.
  • Redesigned event to support inheritance.


  • Jupiter testnet launched the function of parachain cross-chain transfer to support the mutual conversion of Westend and Jupiter tokens.
  • Written XCMP documentation.

Marketing and Operation

#Open Platform

Polkadot Ecology Research Institute joined the Patract Open Platform to jointly develop the Wasm contract ecosystem!

#Community activity

On August 18, Patract CTO Aten shared the topic of ink! development Practice-Combination Paradigm Metis in the 10th issue of PatraShare, mainly introduced the writing specifications of contract language, ink! and chain designed, Metis product introduction, etc.

About Patract Labs

Patract Labs is providing solutions for the development of Parachains and DApps in the Wasm smart contract ecosystem of Polkadot. We help the community to design and develop on-chain contract modules and Runtime support, and provide DApp developers with full-stack tools and services support, covering development, testing, debugging, deployment, monitoring, data provider and front-end development stages.

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Patract| Wasm Contract Open Platform

Patract is providing solutions for the development of Parachains and DApps in the Wasm smart contract ecosystem of Polkadot.