Patract Work Report(28th,June-9th,July)


Work of Council

  • Voted aye for motion #93 in Polkadot Council, regarding Patract’s treasury proposal about Metis M1 (ink! and Ask! Standard Library).
  • Voted aye for motion #92 in Polkadot Council, regarding the maintenance and improvement of
  • Voted aye for motion #91 in Polkadot Council, regarding increasing the nominator capacity by 2500.



  • Fixed the bug of event called by multiple contracts.
  • Upgraded polkadot.js to 4.17.1


  • Europa v0.3.1 has been released. Some node functions in the v0.3 proposal have been completed at present.
  • The Europa 0.3 report will be submitted next week. The completion of the current 0.3 means that Europa has officially entered the production availability stage and entered the long-term maintenance stage like Redspot.


  • Functional Reviewed, optimized page logic.
  • Some front-end functions of the v0.3 proposal have been completed.


  • Ask! v0.2 has been released, which means Ask! can already be used in an experimental environment.
  • Ask! v0.3 entered the process of writing and designing.



  • Completed the cache function.
  • Completed Elara-kv subscription management.
  • Completed Elara-direct forwarding.


Completed Elara 2.0 development requirements document.


  • Improved Metis test support based on Redspot, transplanted test cases based on Truffle.
  • Completed the implementation and testing of ERC721 components and extended components.
  • Improved ERC20 components, added default hook implementation and metadata.


  • Reorganized the actor architecture and added a new scheduler actor to support batch running blocks and batch storage, reducing the synchronization time by half.
  • Added a new best-finalized actor to obtain and distribute best block and finalized block information.
  • Updated substrate to Polkadot v0.9.7.
  • Added some documents.
  • Added code-substitutes function, fixed Polkadot #5203204 state root, and checked Inconsistent inspection results.



  • Added block, best and block, finalized API.
  • Updated blocks, statistic and extrinsics,statistic API.
  • Fixed the address encoding and decoding problem of the extrinsic signer.
  • Refactored the service and handler parts of the scanner, fixed the subscribe,commitOffset the problem in the kafka part.


  • Finalized the Accounts related page document.
  • Designed Staking database table.

Marketing and Operation

#Communnity activities

  • On 29th June, Patract Labs was invited to participate in the Web 3.0 Bootcamp Phase II Investment and Financing Seminar in Shanghai, hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain and New Chain Space.
  • On 3rd July, Lipeng Yue, the founder of Patract Labs was invited to participate in the Polkadot&Friends party in Hangzhou, and shared the topic of Gavin Wood’s mental journey from the comparison of Polkadot’s current situation and the white paper.

About Patract Labs

Patract Labs is providing solutions for the development of Parachains and DApps in the Wasm smart contract ecosystem of Polkadot. We help the community to design and develop on-chain contract modules and Runtime support, and provide DApp developers with full-stack tools and services support, covering development, testing, debugging, deployment, monitoring, data provider and front-end development stages.

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Patract| Wasm Contract Open Platform

Patract is providing solutions for the development of Parachains and DApps in the Wasm smart contract ecosystem of Polkadot.